Linkedin Advertising Terms and Conditions

Your use of the Advertising Services must comply with applicable law and all applicable terms. LinkedIn`s website conversion tracking and demographics features allow you to understand what happens after a LinkedIn user clicks on your ad using analytic.B s and systems provided by LinkedIn (e.g., analytics tags, pixels, and APIs) that allow you to send data to LinkedIn and its affiliates about actions people take on your websites or apps. mobile (“Event Data”). LinkedIn Matched Audiences and related data integrations allow you to display advertisements based on data you provide to LinkedIn directly or on your behalf through an authorized third party (e.B. Target company lists, hashed contact information, device identifiers, or event data such as web pages visited on your website (collectively, “Audience Data”). These Terms apply when you use conversion tracking or the demographic features of LinkedIn`s website, Linkedin Matched Audiences, or send audience data to LinkedIn or its affiliates in connection with these features. Customer authorizes LinkedIn to place advertisements (“Talent Media”) containing illustrations, text, active URLs, and other promotional materials and technologies provided by Customer (“Promotional Materials”) on LinkedIn websites and/or third-party networking sites, subject to Customer`s decision to enable or disable the provision of Talent Media on third-party network websites (collectively, the “Site”). Customer will provide LinkedIn with all promotional materials on talent media in accordance with LinkedIn`s advertising specifications and policies (collectively, the “Advertising Policies”). Customer receives all rights, consents, licenses, and approvals necessary for LinkedIn to include promotional materials in Talent Media.

LinkedIn reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject or remove from the Site any Talent Media for which the Promotional Material or the Site to which the Talent Media are linked (i) does not comply with the Advertising Policy; (ii) comply with any applicable laws, regulations, other court or regulatory orders or industry self-regulatory principles; or (iii) tend to disparage, mock, or despise LinkedIn or its affiliates. LinkedIn will use all TalentsMedia in accordance with this Agreement and all written instructions on the Order Document. LinkedIn metrics are the authoritative metrics for calculating fees. Third-party impression tracking is not available to Talent Media. LinkedIn and its affiliates may participate in advertising auctions to promote their own services or communicate with their users. LinkedIn does not guarantee (a) the results or distribution of talent media in any way; or (b) any number of shows, impressions, opens or clicks. No merchandise or credit note will be made available to the customer. LinkedIn does not verify or attempt to verify the accuracy of the information on the Site or in the Member Profiles, and therefore does not guarantee the identity or personal data of the persons who will consult the Talent Media purchased by the Customer.

Unless the parties have agreed otherwise on the corresponding order document: (i) the Customer must pay Talent Media in advance; (ii) Talent Media is not cancellable or refundable; (iii) Talent Media expires upon expiration of the Order Document; and (iv) prints will be considered delivered the earliest (a) actual delivery or (b) expiration of the order document. As set forth in LinkedIn`s Privacy Policy, LinkedIn may use device identifiers retrieved from and off the LinkedIn Talent Media website, including determining which devices members can use and advertise to them on their various devices. LinkedIn and customer will each post a complete and accurate privacy policy on their respective websites and mobile applications, including information about cross-device tracking and ad targeting. Affiliate advertising. Advertisements related to affiliate advertising are prohibited. LinkedIn may change the terms of this Advertising Agreement by notifying you (para. B by a notice posted in the Advertising Services, by email, SMS or mail), and both parties agree that changes may not be retroactive. If you do not agree with these changes, you must stop using the Advertising Services. The following provisions of this Advertising Agreement will survive your termination: Sections 2 through 4 and Sections 6 through 9. If you have entered into a separate advertising agreement with LinkedIn with terms that also cover the topics covered by this Advertising Agreement, those separate terms apply to that purpose, but this Advertising Agreement (including the Advertising Policies and optional Functionality Terms) applies to any additional content (for example.

B, conversion tracking, such as website demographics, corresponding audiences, and lead generation forms). Otherwise, this Advertising Agreement (including the Advertising Policy and optional Features Terms) applies to any use of the Advertising Services. Customer will create the survey email, including all privacy and anonymity notices, to each customer user (“User Privacy Notice”) and make it available to Glint within three (3) days prior to its use in connection with the survey. The customer can use one of Glint`s standard survey email templates. Glint will only provide identifiable information (i.e. non-aggregated data) (i) to Customer if the survey email indicates that certain customer employees are receiving survey responses that are directly identified to individual survey participants and (ii) to a supplier designated by Customer if Supplier agrees to protect the Data in accordance with the terms of this LSA. The Customer agrees not to modify or delete any part of the Survey Email or any other communication with the Customer User that imposes an obligation on Glint. If the User`s Privacy Notice informs data subjects that the Customer would receive the Survey Data in non-aggregated form, Glint will make the Survey Data available to the Customer outside of the Service Platform in a CSV format so that the Customer can perform a separate analysis and/or protect against data loss at a cost of $500 for each instance, in which a survey is sent to a group. In addition to LinkedIn`s Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, this Advertising Agreement and our Advertising Policy apply to access to and use of the Advertising Services. Additional terms may apply to certain features of the Advertising Services. For example, the additional terms listed here apply to the use of optional features such as conversion tracking, website demographics, matching audiences, and lead generation forms. 7.3.1 For the transfer of European personal data to Glint for processing by Glint in a jurisdiction other than a jurisdiction in the EU, EEA or countries authorised by the European Commission that ensure “adequate” data protection, Glint undertakes to provide at least the same level of protection of European personal data as under the CCT available under for the The controller is necessary….